More than any other time in history, the church needs to rise up to pray for our next generation. We are in a spiritual battle for the souls of students on our school and college campuses. There are some of us that might be challenged to get involved directly but may I suggest that a majority of us will fight this battle on our knees. Before the troops hit the ground, the battle must first be won in prayer.
The Bible talks about this battle;
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
But it is not enough for us to be a prayer warrior, we must invite others into the battle with us. I thank God for disciple making organization such as Chi Alpha and Intervarsity. We have to treat ministry on our school and college campuses like a spiritual battle. We can’t expect to walk into campuses thinking that Satan will just hand over the most strategic demographic on the planet without a fight. This is where most of us come in. We need an army that can pray over our kids and young adults and the missionaries that God sends to these campuses.
Students are praying all across America and the world. Millions of students have prayed for their schools at “See You At The Pole.” Emboldened by the Spirit, many of these same students continue to meet and pray through the year in groups on campus and at their church.
Here are some ways you can pray for our schools and college campuses:
Pray that Christian students will be strengthened in their faith in Christ.
Pray for physical safety.
Pray that every student in America would hear the gospel at least once during their time on their campus.
Pray for an active student ministry on every campus in every city.
Pray for racial equality on campuses.
Pray that God would give wisdom to the administrators, teachers and school board members.
Pray that our educators would come to know Christ personally and follow Him.
Listen to Prince as he shares with us about effectively praying for our next generation.
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If you missed the message on Sunday, Pastor Ashish spoke about the importance of praying first. I strongly suggest that you go listen to it as we begin this 21 day fasting and prayer. Let us resolve to always PRAY FIRST in everything we do. Listen to the message HERE
Here is a Worship Playlist you can listen to – 21-Day Fasting Playlist