New to CKids?

Our C-Kids Experience begins at 9AM & 11AM every Sunday!
In-Person check-in will also be available at the C-Kids Check-In Counter. Please note that check-in opens 15 minutes before both service begins (8:45am & 10:45am) and closes 10 minutes after service begins (9:10 & 11:10). Please plan to arrive on time to avoid classroom interruption.

Check-In Process

Upon arrival come see us at the CKids check-in located right next to the Main Auditorium. At the Check-In kiosk, you will fill out our First-Time Guest form with 3 types of information. One of our Hosts will greet you and help check-in your child in their age-appropriate service. Your parent tag and child’s name tag will have matching, unique ID numbers to ensure safety during pick-up. Please keep your phone on vibrate if for any reason we need to contact you during service.

On your second visit, our Self Check-In Kiosks are easy-to-use. Simply scan your key-tag or type in the phone number you provided during your first visit and follow the prompts to complete the process. Easy as 1-2-3!

Frequently asked questions

How safe are my Children?

In CKids, safety is a core value. That’s why we have a secure check-in system in addition to security personnel for the full duration of our Services.

During your first visit, you’ll receive a key tag (on request) that is exclusive to your family. The next time you join us, you can use that key tag or your phone number to check in on your own at any available station. Upon check-in, you’ll receive matching identification stickers. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion and you will need to keep the matching tag. After the service, you’ll show the CKids leader your matching tag in order for your child to be released from his/her room.

In a rare event that we need to contact you during the service, we can either text message you or we will share your child’s unique alpha-numeric identification code on the screen in the auditorium. We ask that you immediately find a CKids staff member or leader who will direct you to your child’s room.

We are doing everything to ensure CDC guidelines to combat the Novel Coronavirus. All teachers, assistants, check-in volunteers and security personal will have face coverings for the safety of your kids. We do not enforce but encourage all our kids to wear masks while in the C-kids area. We appreciate your co-operation.

What do I bring?

For children 6 wks – 24 mos – We ask you to bring

  • a diaper bag
  • 2 -3 disposable diapers or pull-ups
  • Pacifier or any other item your child may need for comfort
  • 2 prepped bottles and extra formula
  • Snacks and/or a sippy cup

We provide water and a snack to children who has parental consent. For children 3 – 6 yrs Children must be potty-trained.

What about snacks and allergies?

We provide factory pre-packaged snacks for children 7 mos – 10 yrs unless otherwise directed by parents. None of the snacks have been packed by hand. These snacks consist of Cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers, and fruit snacks. The only drink we provide is water. If your child has a food allergy, please inform one of our team members at Check-In. It will be entered into the system and noted on his/her name tag.

What kind of security check do the volunteers go through?

We require all our Kids volunteers to be screened. Background, legal and reference checks, as well as personal interviews with the Commission Kids Staff are required before serving in Commission Kids Ministry.

How many groups are there?

We have FOUR main groups of kids.

Nursery (Infant-23 months)

Toddlers (2-4 years old)
Introduce your littlest ones to the wonder and Word of God through age-specific lessons, fun animation, activities, and more.

Elementary (5-8 years old)
The Explorers find a place they can have fun and belong. They watch and engage with fun Bible stories in form of videos and their favorite songs.

Pre Teens (9-12 years old)
Our Elementary Kids discover who God is in a fun learning environment. They are taught the Bible through song and story in practical ways they can relate and understand.

What Curriculum do you follow?

We follow Kidspring and Answer in Genesis. We ensure our curriculum covers 4 main areas

Creative Biblical Teaching
The Bible is the most amazing book ever written! And we strive to bring its stories to life through activities and discussions that keep students engaged. We want all students to love God’s Word and understand the value of applying it to their lives.

Age-Appropriate Learning
Our environments and lessons are intentionally designed for your student to understand. We’re so passionate about supporting them in each stage of life that we provide three options 6 months through 6th grade for our weekend experience.

Small Group Relationships
As students build relationships with leaders and other students, they gain the support and confidence to grow in their faith. When you commit to attending the same service each week, your student will be surrounded by a small group full of familiar faces.

When students have fun at church, they can’t wait to come back! And we know they’ll have fun each week as they learn about who God is through games, activities, small groups, and video teaching.

How do I pick up my child after the service?

When you are ready to pick up your child, go to your child’s classroom and present your Parent Tag to the Small Group Leader. The Parent Tag will be used to match the number on your child’s name tag. When leaving, we ask that you make sure all your child’s personal items have been returned to you before you leave the campus.